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Post-graduate students employment opportunities after graduation

Graduates of the Master’ s Program of the Faculty of Agriculture have found many career choices are available to them. In 2006, over 90% of our graduates found employment. Each graduate received an average of 15 employment offers!

 1.Japanese graduates

Private Enterprise

  Asahi Syokuhin Co., Ltd., Ito En, Ltd., Katokichi Co. Ltd., Q. P. Corporation, Kirin Brewery Company Limited, JA Okayama, JA Kagawa, Shikoku Coka・Cola Bottling Co., Ltd., Dainippon Sumitomo Pharma Co., Ltd., Somi Syokuhin Co., Ltd., Tamura Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Natori Co., Ltd., Nihon Shokken , Nippon Meat Packers, Inc., Mitsubishi Pharma Corporation, Morozoff Co., Ltd., Yushin-Brewer Co., Lotte Co., Ltd.  

Public Agencies

  The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries, Chugoku-Shikoku Regional Agricultural Administration Office, Kobe Customs, Kagawa Prefectural Office, Nagasaki Prefectural Office, Shimane Prefectural Office, Aichi Prefectural Office, Okayama Prefectural Office, Tokushima Prefectural Office, Takamatsu Municipal Office

_ 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Number of persons completing master’s course 41 44 42 45 52
Persons proceeding to doctoral course 8 13 8 11 13
Applicants for a position 29 26 31 31 36
Persons holding a position 23 24 28 27 33
Number of job offers 565 590 571 604 785
Agriculture, forestry and fisheries 3 1 0 0 3
Construction 1 0 0 0 0
Manufacturing 6 12 18 14 14
Electricity and gas, etc. 0 0 0 0 0
Information and communication 0 0 2 2 0
Transportation 0 0 0 1 1
Wholesale and retail 1 2 0 2 3
Finance and insurance  0 0 0 0 1
Real estate 0 0 0 0 0
Food services, accommodations 0 0 0 0 0
Medical, healthcare and welfare 0 1 0 0 0
Other service industries 4 5 3 5 10
Elementary school teachers 0 0 0 0 0
Junior high school teachers 1 0 0 0 0
High school teachers 1 1 0 0 0
Other education, learning support 0 0 1 0 0
National government officials 1 1 1 0 0
Local government officials 5 0 1 1 1
Thers (including self-employed) 0 1 2 2 0
Subtotal 23 24 28 27 33
Placing rate (%) 79.3% 92.3% 90.3% 87.1% 91.7%

 2.Foreign Students
 Almost all of the graduate students of the special master’s program for foreign students in Asia, Africa and Pan-Pacific region entered the United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, Ehime University. After graduation, they received the following appointments:

・Department of Science and Technology, Senior Science Research Specialist
・Director Chemistry Department Malaysia, Penang Branch senior science officer
・Maejo University, Lecturer
・Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Agriculture Extension, Government of Bangladesh
・Department of Animal Technology, Maejo-University
・Bangladesh Agricultural University
・Royal University of Agriculture
・Ministry of Trade ALEPPO City Laboratory
・Hanoi University of Education faculty of Biology-Agriculture
・Tanzania Food and Nutrition Centre
・Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture Production, Sansai Maejo University
・Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, Hue University
・Radioisotope Research Center, Kobe University
・Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute Scientific Officer
・Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Chiang Mai University
・Bangladesh Agricultural University, Department of Entomology
・Department of Fishery Products Faculty of Fisheries, Kasetsart University
・Faculty of Agroindustry, Chiangmai University, Lecturer
・Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Maejo University, Lecturer

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