10月から3回生3名を研究室に迎えて、3週間ほど経ちました。 …
Chemical Biology Laboratory,
Faculty of Agriculture, Kagawa University
Welcome to the Chemical Biology Laboratory at Faculty of Agriculture, Kagawa University! Our research interests lie in the interface of chemistry and biology. A special emphasis is placed on the analysis on the mechanism of action of biologically-active natural products.
Ryo C. YANAGITA: 柳田 亮
2393 Ikenobe, Miki, Kita, Kagawa 761-0795, JAPAN
〒761-0795 香川県木田郡三木町池戸2393(アクセス)
Location: 農学部 B棟2階西
Office: BW-206; laboratory: BW-201
E-mail: yanagita.ryo [at] kagawa-u.ac.jp
Tel & Fax: +81-87-891-3092