


• 期間;2018/7/15〜21 の7 日間
• 費用;タイ・シラパコーン大学までの交通費(最大300 ドルまでの補助があります)
• 応募〆切;2018/6/20 必要な書類を準備する必要がありますので、早めにルーツ教員に問い合わせてください。

1) Suvanabhumi airport or Donmuang airport both are fine. We can pick up the students
from both locations.
2) Total 30-35 students
3) We invite the students from all over the world. Therefore, we do not know yet. However,
our main target is the students from Asia.
4) We will give the certificate to the students after the course finished.
Pramote Khuwijitjaru, Ph.D. Assistant Professor
Department of Food Technology,
Faculty of Engineering and Industrial Technology, Silpakorn University
Sanam chandra
