吉原 明秀

領域名  食品科学

教員氏名   吉 原 明 秀

研究分野 酵素利用学




 身の回りに数多く存在する微生物は、様々な酵素を持っています。本研究では、自然界に多量に存在する単糖から、自然界 に微量にしか存在しない希少糖に転換できる新規微生物や新規酵素を探索します。得られた微生物や酵素を用いて様々な希少糖の生産を行っていきます。






  • Akihide Yoshihara  et al. (2013) Isomerization of deoxyhexoses: green bioproduction of 1-deoxy-D-tagatose from L-fucose  and of 6-deoxy-D-tagatose from D-fucose using Enterobacteragglomerans strain 221e, Tetrahedron: Asymmetry, 19 (6), 739-745
  • Pushpakiran Gullapalli et al. (2010) Conversion of L-rhamnose into ten of the sixteen 1- and 6-deoxyketohexoses in water with three reagents: D-tagatose-3-epimerase equilibrates C3 epimers of deoxyketoses, Tetrahedron Letters,  51 (6), 895-898
  • Devendar Rao et al. (2009) A concise approach to the synthesis of all twelve 5-deoxyhexoses: D-tagatose-3-epimerase—a reagent that is both specific and general, Tetrahedron Letters, 50 (26), 3559-3563
  • Andreas F. G. Glawar et al. (2013) An approach to 8 stereoisomers of homonojirimycin from D-glucose via kinetic &     thermodynamic azido-γ-lactones, Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, 11 (40), 6886-6899

Research Area: Food Science 
Research Specialization: Applied enzymology 
Name: YOSHIHARA, Akihide

Keywords:Rare sugar, Microbe, Enzyme

Recent Research

1. Screening of microbe and enzyme. Production of rare sugars using their microbe and enzymes

Microbe produces a lot of enzymes. Rare sugars are produced by their biotransformation. Therefore many researchers isolate microbe for effective production of  rare sugars. In this research, We screen various rare sugar producing microbes and enzymes. Optimum condition determine for rare sugar production, We try to produce a lot of rare sugars  

2. Production of rare sugar derivatives using microbial and enzymatic reaction

Rare sugars are produced by several enzymes. These enzymes are able to classify into following  four groups.

・Isomerase catalyzes reversible aldose-ketose isomerization

・Epimerase catalyzes reversible ketose C-3 epimerization.

・Dehydrogenase catalyzes the oxidation of polyols to corresponding ketoses.

・Oxidase catalyzes the oxidation of polyols to corresponding aldoses.

In this research, we try to produce novel rare sugar derivatives that have physiologically activity by microbial and enzymatic reactions. We focus to deoxy monosaccharides, azido monosaccharides and their derivatives.


  • Akihide Yoshihara  et al. (2013) Isomerization of deoxyhexoses: green bioproduction of 1-deoxy-D-tagatose from L-fucose  and of 6-deoxy-D-tagatose from D-fucose using Enterobacteragglomerans strain 221e, Tetrahedron: Asymmetry, 19 (6), 739-745
  • Pushpakiran Gullapalli et al. (2010) Conversion of L-rhamnose into ten of the sixteen 1- and 6-deoxyketohexoses in water with three reagents: D-tagatose-3-epimerase equilibrates C3 epimers of deoxyketoses, Tetrahedron Letters,  51 (6), 895-898
  • Devendar Rao et al. (2009) A concise approach to the synthesis of all twelve 5-deoxyhexoses: D-tagatose-3-epimerase—a reagent that is both specific and general, Tetrahedron Letters, 50 (26), 3559-3563
  • Andreas F. G. Glawar et al. (2013) An approach to 8 stereoisomers of homonojirimycin from D-glucose via kinetic &  thermodynamic azido-γ-lactones, Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, 11 (40), 6886-6899



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