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Comments and updates from alumni (OB and OG)

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  • Name Withheld, PhD. JICA


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OB & OG Comments

LanguageDegreeGraduation YearNameCompanyComment


EnglishBachelor's Degree2023Name WithheldGeneral Trading CompanyI took International English beginning in sophomore year and have developed the habit of studying English and presentation skills.

In Prof. Lutes' class, students of all years were welcome to participate, so I was able to work hard and get a lot of inspiration from the high level of seniors in the class. I was also able to continue my English studies outside of class with the help of Prof. Lutes, my seniors, and my classmates.

I have been working for a general trading company since April of 2023. I sometimes have to negotiate with people overseas in English, so I will continue to do my best to utilize and improve the skills that I acquired in International English.
日本語修士号2021小池 裕之日本貿易振興機構 JETROルーツ先生の講義に参加し、TOEICは300点上がりました。英語力だけでなく、コミュニケーションのスキルも身につきました。現在は政府系の貿易機構で働いており、日本産農林水産物・食品の輸出貢献のために日系企業をサポートしています。
EnglishMaster's Degree2021KOIKE HiroyukiJapan External Trade Organization JETROI attended Prof. Lutes lectures and my TOEIC score went up by 300 points. I have acquired not only English skills but also communication skills. I am currently working for a government-related trade organization, supporting Japanese companies to contribute to the export of Japanese agricultural, forestry, and fishery products and foods.
EnglishMaster's Degree2021Name WithheldJapanese Sake BrewerI learned the joy of communicating in English by attending Dr. Lutes' lectures, and while in school, I was able to experience a 5-month overseas research internship. I received tremendous support before and during my experience abroad. I also learned presentation skills and won the best poster award at an international conference. Currently, I am working in the research and development office of a sake brewing company. In the future, I would like to work in international sales.
日本語修士号2020冨本 卓株式会社サンアロマルーツ先生に英語を教わり、国際インターンシップに参加することでTOEIC 940点を達成しました。また、国際シンポジウムではベストポスタープレゼンテーション賞も受賞することもできました。現在は香料会社で研究開発スタッフとして働いています。将来的には仲間と共に会社を立ち上げ、世界に通用するビジネスを展開できるような経営者になりたいと考えています。
EnglishMaster's Degree2020TOMIMOTO SuguruSun Aroma Co., Ltd.I studied English with Dr. Lutes and joined international internships. Through those experiences, I achieved a TOEIC score of 940. I was awarded the Best Poster Presentation Award at an international symposium. I am currently working for a flavor company as a R&D staff. In the future, I would like to establish a company with my colleagues and become a leader who can develop a world-class business.
日本語学士号2019深川 裕貴勇心酒造株式会社ルーツ先生の講義、国際インターンシップを通して、英会話力はもちろんですが、コミュニケーション力とプレゼン力の2つが特に伸び、自分の長所となっています。農学部ではありますが、自分の長所を活かした職業に就きたく、営業を志望しました。今ではスキンケア商品の販売を行っており、自分の能力を存分に発揮できています。
EnglishBachelor's Degree2019FUKAGAWA YukiYushin Brewer Co., Ltd.Through Prof. Lutes lectures and the international internships, I have improved not only my English conversation skills, but also my communication and presentation skills, which have become two of my strengths. Although, I gradiated form he Faculty of Agriculture, I wanted to find a job that would utilize my strengths, so I decided to apply for a career in sales. I am now selling skincare products and am able to fully use my abilities.
匿名、PhD独立行政法人国際協力機構 JICAルーツ先生には英語でのコミュニケーションの楽しさを教わり、TOEICスコアも倍になりました。
EnglishBachelor's Degree
(Doctoral Degree)
Name Withheld, PhDJapan International Cooperation Agency JICAI have learned to enjoy communicating in English from Dr.  Lutes. As a result, my TOEIC score doubled. As I pursued a career path in international cooperation, Dr. Lutes continued to offer support and advice with my thesis and with my job-hunt. I work for an international cooperation organization that assists with social and economic growth in developing nations.
日本語修士号2013原内 勇樹帝國製薬株式会社大学院生の時には、ルーツ先生の授業を受けるだけでなく、先生とランチに行ったり、留学生のサポートをするなど、普段から英語に触れる環境にいました。そのおかげで英語力が上がりました(TOEIC810)。
EnglishMaster's Degree2013Yuuki Harauchi I was a graduate student, I was in an environment where I was exposed to English on a regular basis, not only by taking classes with Prof. Lutes, but also by going out to lunch with him and supporting international students. Thanks to this environment, my English skills improved (TOEIC score 810). Since starting my job, I have been able to use my English and presentation skills in tasks such as presenting to overseas companies and going on business trips abroad, contributing to my success in the workplace.
日本語修士号2018T N, 研究所松谷化学工業株式会社学部生および大学院の授業でルーツ先生の授業に参加しました。授業を通して「説得力のある分かりやすいプレゼン」とは何かを学び、他の学生たちと切磋琢磨しながら英語での発表スキル(スピーキング力)を徹底的に鍛えられたことに大変感謝しています。学生よりも社会人の方が自分の考えを異なる立場や分野の他者に伝える場面が圧倒的に多くなりますが、授業での学び・経験が日々の業務(社内外での研究発表、海外研究者とのやり取りなど)にかなり役立っています。「英語で話す経験」がないまま社会人になってしまうと、どうしても英語でコミュケーションを取ることに臆してしまう/拒否してしまうケースが多々あります(実際そのような人を多く見てきました)。ぜひルーツ先生の授業で「英語で話す経験」を存分にして(英語で話すことのハードルを下げ)、将来、国籍に関係なく幅広い方と交流できたら皆様の可能性がより大きくなると思います。今、目の前にあるチャンス(ルーツ先生の授業)を最大限活用してください。
EnglishMaster's Degree2018T N, R&D DepartmentMatsutani Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.I participated in Professor Lutes' classes when I was an undergraduate and graduate student. Through these classes, I learned what constitutes a persuasive and clear presentation. I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to enhance my English presentation skills (speaking in English) while striving alongside other students. After graduation from university, people (working adults) in various fields often find themselves in situations where they need to communicate their ideas to others from different backgrounds or fields. The experience and skills gained from his classes have been tremendously beneficial in my daily work, such as internal and external research presentations and interactions with international researchers. Without the experience of "speaking in English" before entering the workforce, many people tend to feel hesitant or resistant to communicating in English (I have witnessed this in numerous cases). I strongly believe if you take his class and make effort (speak, speak and speak! and lowering the barrier of speaking in English), your potential for engaging with a wide range of individuals, regardless of nationality, will greatly expand. Please make the most of the current big chance in front of you (don’t miss Professor Lutes' classes!).