以下はmacOS Sierra環境での解説です (November 2, 2016).環境: macOS Sierra 10.12.1, 3.3 GHz Intel Core i5, メモリ8 GB.

First, install Xquartz (2.7.8) on MacOS Sierra. Xquartz 2.7.11でもOpenmotifとの問題が解決されていませんでした.(Homebrewのopenmotifが修正され,問題が解決されました).



Homebrew (Package manager)

$ /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"

Paste that at a Terminal(.app) prompt. Xcode command line tools will be automatically installed.

コマンドライン補完のためにbash-completionを入れると幸せになれる (bash- MacWiki).

$ brew install bash-completion

言われた通り, ~/.bash_profile に以下のように書き込む.

[ -f /usr/local/etc/bash_completion ] && . /usr/local/etc/bash_completion

Molecular Dynamics

GROMACS (Molecular Dynamics Package)

Gromacs 5.1.4をMac Yosemite上にインストール (Ag++) を参考にしてコンパイル.

$ brew tap homebrew/versions
$ brew install gcc5 cmake boost fftw
$ ln -s /usr/local/bin/gcc-5 /usr/local/bin/gcc
$ ln -s /usr/local/bin/g++-5 /usr/local/bin/g++
$ curl ftp://ftp.gromacs.org/pub/gromacs/gromacs-5.1.4.tar.gz -o gromacs-5.1.4.tar.gz
$ tar xvzf gromacs-5.1.4.tar.gz
$ cd gromacs-5.1.4
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ ccmake ..

ccmakeが起動したら, を押します.GCCがOpenMPに対応していないと言われます.[e] を押します.BUILD_SHARED_LIBS OFFに,BUILD_TESTING OFFに,CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIXは /opt/gromacs-5.1.4にしました.GMX_SIMDはAVX2_256のままで.マシンによって違うと思いますが,SSE4.1にしていた時よりも計算が2倍速くなりました. を押してもう一度configureして,[g] でMakefileを生成します.

$ make -j 8
$ sudo make install


source /opt/gromacs-5.1.4/bin/GMXRC.bash



VMD — Visual Molecular Dynamics

Download version 1.9.2 for MacOS X OpenGL (32-bit Intel x86) and put it into /Applications folder. Set command-line alias and VMD_PLUGIN_PATH environment variable in your .bashrc file as follow.

alias vmd="/Applications/VMD\ 1.9.2.app/Contents/vmd/vmd_MACOSXX86"
export VMD_PLUGIN_PATH=/Applications/VMD\ 1.9.2.app/Contents/vmd/plugins/MACOSXX86/molfile


参考サイト: Mac OSにAmberTools 16をインストール (Ag++)

/opt/amber16 にインストールした.

$ tar xvjf AmberTools16.tar.bz2
$ sudo mv amber16 /opt/
$ cd /opt/amber16
$ brew install gcc5 python
$ ln -s /usr/local/bin/gcc-5 /usr/local/bin/gcc
$ ln -s /usr/local/bin/g++-5 /usr/local/bin/g++
$ ln -s /usr/local/bin/gfortran-5 /usr/local/bin/gfortran
$ pip install numpy scipy matplotlib
$ export AMBERHOME=/opt/amber16
$ ./configure gnu
$ source /opt/amber16/amber.sh
$ make -j8 install


source /opt/amber16/amber.sh



A tool based on Python to use Antechamber to generate topologies for chemical compounds.

$ cd /opt
$ svn checkout http://svn.code.sf.net/p/ccpn/code/branches/stable/ccpn/python/acpype acpype
$ ln -s /opt/acpype/acpype.py /usr/local/bin/acpype

Ag++: ACPYPE.pyを使ったAMBER→Gromacs topologyの変換と注意点(バグ?)のコメントを参考に,acpype.pyの2389行目の%12.6fを%12.5fへ修正した.


A WYSIWYG 2D plotting tool.

XQuartz 2.7.9ではエラーで起動できず2.7.8ダウングレードし,openmotifとgraceを再インストールする (参考) と起動できました.(修正されました).

$ brew install homebrew/X11/grace


Version 1.5 をHomebrewed PyMOL 1.8.2 + APBS plugin work on Mac El Capitan (Ag++) を参考にしてcompile,/opt/apbs-1.5 へインストールして,/opt/apbs-1.5/binへPATHを通す.上記サイトで公開されている修正されたPymol pluginで可視化.PQR fileはGROMACSのtprファイルから作成.

$ gmx editconf -f hoge.tpr -mead


Molecular structure editing and visualisation

PyMOL (Molecular viewer)

For OS X native PyMOL, visit pymol website, register an academic license, and download MacPyMOL 1.3r1. If you want the latest version ( with X11,

$ brew install homebrew/science/pymol

Open Babel (Molecular File Converter)

$ brew install open-babel

Avogadro (Molecular Editor)

Free cross-platform molecular editor.

$ brew tap caskroom/cask
$ brew cask install avogadro

Swiss PDB Viewer

Swiss PDB Viewer can build and edit protein structure.

Fatal Error: The folder ‘usrstuff’ is missing とプロンプトが出て起動不可.

MODELLER (version 9.17)


$ brew tap salilab/salilab
$ brew install modeller

Edit /usr/local/Cellar/modeller/9.17/modlib/modeller/config.py
and replace XXXX with your Modeller license key


Chemoinformaticsソフトウェア.参考URL: http://qiita.com/mojaie/items/2113274201038b29af3d

$ brew tap edc/homebrew-rdkit
$ brew install rdkit --with-python3 --with-pycairo

Docking Simulation


Free docking simulation tools. Register and download AutoDock 4.2.6.


Python Molecular Viewer (PMV) and AutoDockTools (AutoDock front-end).  Install the latest release candidate (RC).  Add “/Library/MGLTools/1.5.7rc1/bin” to PATH.

MO Calculation

GAMESS (US) (quantum chemistry program)

Register, download, and install latest GAMESS package (version August 18, 2016 R1) for Mac OS X. Gamess can perform ab initio MO calculations and semi-empirical MO calculations (AM1, PM3, MNDO).

MOPAC (semi-empirical quantum chemistry program)

MOPAC2016 executables are available FREE for academic, not-for-profit use. PM6 and PM7 hamiltonians are available. Set command-line alias in your .bashrc file as follow.

alias mopac="/opt/mopac/MOPAC2016.exe"


A free WWW-based interface to computational chemistry. WebMO can be used as a front-end for GAMESS and MOPAC. To set up Web-server (Apache) with PHP on MacOS Sierra, see “macOS 10.12 Sierra Apache Setup: Multiple PHP Versions | Grav“.