別府 賢治

領 域 名  園芸科学 
教員氏名   別府 賢治

 研究分野 果樹園芸学 

研究キーワード: モモ,スモモ,オウトウ,結実生理,品種改良




2. 自家和合性のニホンスモモの育種


3. 甘果オウトウ(サクランボ)の結実安定化 



別府賢治・片岡郁雄.(2016) 品種登録 モモ,KU-PP2 ,登録番号 第24983号.

Beppu, K. et al. (2014) Examination of time of heating in forcing culture of lower-chilling peach selection HKH×FLP3, Acta Hort. 1059, 201-204.

Beppu, K. et al. (2012) Molecular and genetic analyses of the S-haplotype of the self-compatible Japanese plum (Prunus salicina Lindl.) ‘Methley’, J. Hort. Sci. Biotech. 87, 493-498.

Beppu, K. and Kataoka, I. (2011) Studies on pistil doubling and fruit set of sweet cherry in warm climate, J. Jap. Soc. Hort. Sci. 80, 1-13.

Research Area: Horticulture 

Research Specialization: Pomology

Name: BEPPU,Kenji

Keywords: peach, plum, cherry, reproductive physiology, breeding

Recent Research 

1.Breeding and utilization of lower-chilling peach 

 Forcing culture of peach under plastics is intended to ensure early shipping of production aimed at obtaining a higher market value. Usually, peach growers start forcing after attaining 900 chilling hours required by the high-chill cultivars. For achieving earlier forcing, lower-chilling peach with a high tasting quality would be necessary. Therefore, we bred a new cultivar named ‘KU-PP1’ and ‘KU-PP2’ that contained these traits by crossing Japanese high-chill and introduced low-chill cultivars. Currently we investigate effective methods for forcing culture with these cultivars. 

2. Breeding of self-compatible Japanese plum

  Most commercial cultivars of Japanese plum are self-incompatible and cross-compatible cultivars need to be interplanted. Thus, information about S-haplotypes of each cultivar is important. We demonstrated that the S-RNase genes of Japanese plum could be amplified effectively by S-RNase gene-specific primers, and identified 14 different S-RNase genes. In addition, we revealed the involvement of the Se-haplotype in self-compatibility in Japanese plum and developed the Se-RNase gene-specific primer. Currently, we are breeding self-compatible Japanese plum  cultivars with good fruit quality.

3. Regulation of fruit set of sweet cherry in warm region

 Poor fruit set due to physiological fruit drop have become serious problems preventing stable production of sweet cherry in warm regions. Under controlled conditions, we demonstrated that the fruit set rate decreased markedly due to the rapid degeneration of the embryo sacs when the trees were exposed to high temperatures above 20℃, and that gibberellin may be involved in this phenomenon. We also found that extremely high temperature in summer reduced photosynthesis and cause early defoliation, which result in low fruit set rate in the following spring. We have developed several methods to improve fruit set in warm regions.


Beppu, K. and Kataoka, I. (2016) Registration of new plant varieties, Peach, ‘KU-PP2’ (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch), Registration number: 24983.

Beppu, K. et al. (2014) Examination of time of heating in forcing culture of lower-chilling peach selection HKH×FLP3, Acta Hort. 1059, 201-204.

Beppu, K. et al. (2012) Molecular and genetic analyses of the S-haplotype of the self-compatible Japanese plum (Prunus salicina Lindl.) ‘Methley’, J. Hort. Sci. Biotech. 87, 493-498.

Beppu, K. and Kataoka, I. (2011) Studies on pistil doubling and fruit set of sweet cherry in warm climate, J. Jap. Soc. Hort. Sci. 80, 1-13.



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