五味 剣二


領 域 名  植物科学

教員氏名   五味剣二

研究分野 植物病理学

研究キーワード: 植物揮発性物質,植物ホルモン,イネ,カンキツ









  • Overexpression of OsMYC2 results in the upregulation of early JA-responsive genes and bacterial blight resistance in   rice. Uji et al., Plant and Cell Physiology 57, 1814-1827, 2016.
  • Jasmonate-induction of the monoterpene linalool confers resistance to rice bacterial blight and its biosynthesis is regulated by JAZ protein in rice. Taniguchi et al., Plant Cell Environment 37: 451-461. 2014.
  • Isolation of jasmonate-induced sesquiterpene synthase of rice: product of which has an antifungal activity against Magnaporthe oryzae. Taniguchi et al., Journal of Plant Physiology 171, 625-632. 2014.
  • Jasmonic acid and salicylic acid activate a common defense system in rice. Daisuke Tamaoki, et al., Plant Signaling Behavior 8, e24260, 2013.
  • Involvement of OsJAZ8 in jasmonate-induced resistance to bacterial blight in rice. Shoko Yamada, , et al., Plant and Cell Physiology 53, 2060-2072, 2012.

Research Area:   Plant Science    

Research Specialization:  Plant Pathology

Name:GOMI, Kenji

Keywords:  Jasmonate, Plant volatiles,Plant hormone,rice

Recent Research

1.Role of plant volatiles in plant defense response

Terpenoids such as monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes are one of the most common volatiles emitted from plants in response to herbivory. Some terpenoids are emitted in response to treatment with abiotic or biotic elicitors and to fungal. However, there is a dearth of research about the role of individual volatiles in plant defense. We investigate roles of each volatile in plant defense response.

2.Mechanism of jasmonatesiganlings in defense response

 The plant hormone jasmonic acid (JA) or its derivative, an amino acid conjugate of JA, is a plant signaling compound involved in the regulation of plant defense and development. There are many studies about jasmonate signalings in dicot plants. However, there is a dearth of research about the role of jasmonte signalings in monocot plants including rice, which is one of the most important crops worldwide. We investigate mechanisms of jasmonate signalings in rice defense responses.

3.Crosstalk between plant hormones

 Jasmonic acid (JA) and salicylic acid (SA) play important roles in plant defense systems. JA and SA signaling pathways interact antagonistically in dicotyledonous plants, but, the status of crosstalk between JA and SA signaling is unknown in monocots. We investigate relationship between JA and SA in rice defense responses.


  • Overexpression of OsMYC2 results in the upregulation of early JA-responsive genes and bacterial blight resistance in   rice. Uji et al., Plant and Cell Physiology 57, 1814-1827, 2016.
  • Jasmonate-induction of the monoterpene linalool confers resistance to rice bacterial blight and its biosynthesis is regulated by JAZ protein in rice. Taniguchi et al., Plant Cell Environment 37: 451-461. 2014.
  • Isolation of jasmonate-induced sesquiterpene synthase of rice: product of which has an antifungal activity against Magnaporthe oryzae. Taniguchi et al., Journal of Plant Physiology 171, 625-632. 2014.
  • Jasmonic acid and salicylic acid activate a common defense system in rice. Daisuke Tamaoki, et al., Plant Signaling Behavior 8, e24260, 2013.
  • Involvement of OsJAZ8 in jasmonate-induced resistance to bacterial blight in rice. Shoko Yamada, , et al., Plant and Cell Physiology 53, 2060-2072, 2012.


