佐藤 正資

領 域 名  生物分子化学

教員氏名   佐 藤 正 資

研究分野 生物活性天然物化学

研究キーワード: 生物活性物質,線虫,希少糖,抗老化



摂取カロリーの制限は,様々な実験動物の寿命を延長することが知られている。ヒトにおいても,カロリー制限は糖尿病,癌など加齢性疾患の発症を遅らせ,その結果,寿命を延長すると考えられている。そこで私たちは,代謝抑制効果をもつ希少糖が体内をカロリー制限状態にして,動物の寿命を延長するではないかと考えた。老化研究のモデル生物である線虫C.elegansを用いて研究を行い,希少糖 D-プシコース(D-フルクトースの異性体)の寿命延長効果を報告した。現在,50種類以上の希少糖とその誘導体の中から新たな抗老化希少糖を探索すること,また,多数の試料の中から,簡便・迅速に活性物質を見つけるためのスクリーニング法を開発に取り組んでいる。






  • Sato, M. et al.: Potential anthelmintic: D-psicose inhibits motility, growth and reproductive maturity of L1 larvae of Caenorhabditiselegans. J. Nat. Med.,62, 244-246, (2008).
  • Sato, M. et al.: D-Ribose competitively reverses inhibition by D-psicose of Larval growth in Caenorhabditiselegans. Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin 32, 950-952 (2009) .
  • Sato, M., et al.: Structural characteristics for superoxide anion radical scavenging and productive activities of green tea polyphenols including proanthocyanidin dimers. Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin 58, 98-102 (2010).
  • 新谷知也他: カロリー制限模倣物質としての希少糖D-プシコース及びD-アロース -抗メタボリックシンドローム効果からアンチエイジング効果へ-,日本醸造協会誌108,565-574(2013)
  • Sakoguchi, H. et al.: Growth inhibitory effect of D-arabinose against the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans: Discovery of a novel bioactive monosaccharide, Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett., 26 726-729 (2016).
  • Sakoguchi, H. et al.: Screening of biologically active monosaccharides: growth inhibitory effects of D-allose, D-talose, and L-idose against the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 80 1058-1061 (2016).

Research Area: Biological Molecular Chemistry

Research Specialization: Bioactive Natural Products Chemistry

Name: SATO, Masashi

Keywords: Biologically active substance, C. elegans, Rare sugar, Anti-aging

Recent Research

1. Exploration of anti-aging rare sugars 

   Restriction of calorie intake is known to prolong the life span of various experimental animals. Even in humans, calorie restriction retards the onset of age-related diseases such as diabetes and cancer, and as a result it is thought to prolong life span. We thought that rare sugars having a metabolic suppression effect would make the body calorie restricted and prolong the life of the animal. We conducted the research using the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, a model animal of aging research, and have reported that the rare sugar D-allulose (a stereoisomer of D-fructose) extended the lifespan of C. elegans. Currently, we are working on searching for novel anti-aging substances from over 50 kinds of rare sugars and their derivatives, and are developing screening methods to find active substances conveniently and quickly.

2. Mechanism of the anti-aging effect of rare sugars 

 We are working on elucidating the mechanism of action of rare sugar anti-aging effect by biochemical, molecular biological techniques, and bio-organic chemical approaches such as derivatives synthesis.


  • Sato, M. et al.: Potential anthelmintic: D-psicose inhibits motility, growth and reproductive maturity of L1 larvae of Caenorhabditis elegans. J. Nat. Med.,62, 244-246, (2008).
  • Sato, M. et al.: D-Ribose competitively reverses inhibition by D-psicose of Larval growth in Caenorhabditiselegans. Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin 32, 950-952 (2009) .
  • Sato, M., et al.: Structural characteristics for superoxide anion radical scavenging and productive activities of green tea polyphenols including proanthocyanidin dimers. Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin 58, 98-102 (2010).
  • Sakoguchi, H. et al.: Growth inhibitory effect of D-arabinose against the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans: Discovery of a novel bioactive monosaccharide, Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett., 26 726-729 (2016).
  • Sakoguchi, H. et al.: Screening of biologically active monosaccharides: growth inhibitory effects of D-allose, D-talose, and L-idose against the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 80 1058-1061 (2016).


