小林 剛

領域名  環境生態機能学

教員氏名 小林   剛

研究分野 植物生態学

研究キーワード: 陸上高等植物,物質生産,竹林,センサ


1. タケ類の侵入と竹林の拡大の影響評価



2. 維管束植物の道管流・師管流の定量



3. その他




Ichihashi R, Kobayashi T (2017) Growth and photosynthesis characteristics of invading larch saplings in an occasionally flooded dry stream bed in cool-temperate Japan. Journal of Forest Research (in press).

小林 ・種子田春彦 (2016) 高等植物の道管流・師管流の計測技術と研究展開. 日本生態学会誌 66: 439-544.

Shimokawa F, Takao H, Suzuki T, Kobayashi T, Kataoka I (2016) Plant moisture movement state sensor. 特願・特開,2015JP000325・WO2015115084

Kobayashi T, Fukushima K, Hisamoto Y, Inoue A (2015) The species biology of bamboos in Japan: from gene to landscape. Plant Species Biology 30: 42-115.

Research Area  Environmental Science
Research Specialization  Plant Ecology 
Name   KOBAYASHI, Tsuyoshi

Keywords:terrestrial higher plants, matter production, bamboo, sensor

Recent Research

1. Bamboo invasion on ecosystem structure and function

Moso bamboo invasion processes in secondary rural forests in western Japan

– Stand and population growth/decline in the bamboo forests

– Carbon cycling in the bamboo ecosystems

– Photosynthesis, water use and microclimates of bamboo canopy

2. Microsensor to measure xylem and phloem flows of higher plants

– Construction of microscale sap/phloem flow sensors (cf. MEMS technology in Faculty of Engineering, Kagawa University)

– Tests to survey water and photosynthate transport system at wholeplant level

– System development to monitor and control water and carbon dynamics in agricultural and natural fields

3. Others

– Life history and ecophysiology in weeds and endangered plants  

– Effects of acidic depositions and rare sugars on plant growth and reproduction

Click here for more  information.


Ichihashi R, Kobayashi T (2017) Growth and photosynthesis characteristics of invading larch saplings in an occasionally flooded dry stream bed in cool-temperate Japan. Journal of Forest Research (in press).

Kobayashi T, Taneda H (2016) Measuring and analyzing techniques of xylem- and phloem-flows for higher plants from anatomy to ecosystem scale. Japanese Journal of Ecology 66: 439-544. (in Japanese)

Shimokawa F, Takao H, Suzuki T, Kobayashi T, Kataoka I (2016) Plant moisture movement state sensor. International Patent, 2015JP000325・WO2015115084

Kobayashi T, Fukushima K, Hisamoto Y, Inoue A (2015) The species biology of bamboos in Japan: from gene to landscape. Plant Species Biology 30: 42-115.


