領域名 環境生態機能学
教員氏名 山口 一岩
研究分野 沿岸物質循環論
沿岸海洋生態系,光,栄養塩, 植物プランクトン,底生微細藻類,フィールドワーク
・Light and nutrient limitation on phytoplankton production in the strait of an enclosed sea (Bisan Strait, eastern Seto Inland Sea, Japan), J. Sea Res., 103, 75, 2015, Yamaguchi, H., Hirade, N., Higashizono, K., Tada, K., Kishimoto, K., Oyama, K., Ichimi, K.
・Optically active components and light attenuation in an offshore station of Harima Sound, eastern Seto Inland Sea, Japan. Hydrobiologia, 714, 49, 2013, Yamaguchi, H., Katahira, R., Ichimi, K., Tada, K.
・Dynamics of microphytobenthic biomass in a coastal area of western Seto Inland Sea, Japan. Est. Coast. Shelf Sci., 72, 348, 2007, Yamaguchi, H., Montani, S., Tsutsumi, H., Hamada, K., Ueda, N., Tada, K.
Research Area: Environmental and Ecological Sciences
Research Specialization: Coastal Biogeochemistry
Name: YAMAGUCHI, Hitomi
coastal ecosystem,light, nutrient,phytoplankton, microphytobenthos, field study
Recent Research
・Light, nutrient, and phytoplankton dynamics in the Seto Inland Sea
The focus of my research is to understand light and nutrient environments in coastal areas, and how do phytoplankton respond to and control changes in these environments. The primary target area for research is the Seto Inland Sea (SIS), which has one of the highest fishery yields per unit area in the world. I seek to understand the underlying mechanisms to support the high fishery yields in the SIS. I am a field-based biogeochemical oceanographer focusing on coastal areas. Hence, the studies are mainly based on research cruises to estuarine, coastal and shelf areas.
・Biogeochemical role of microphytobenthos in coastal ecosystems
Parts of coastal areas, where light often reaches to the seafloor, sustain benthic primary production. Most of sandy and muddy seafloor in such areas looks barren at first glance, yet microphytobenthos (benthic microalgae) universally inhabit there. Our laboratory is focused on elucidating of biogeochemical role of microphytobenthos in coastal areas. The topics include quantification of the biomass and production and understanding of its regulating factors, the contribution to nutrient cycling and coastal food web, etc. I am also interested in ecophysiological responses to light and nutrient availability of microphytobenthos. The aim of research is to understand the functioning of coastal ecosystems through the comparative or interaction study of microphytobenthos and phytoplankton.
・Light and nutrient limitation on phytoplankton production in the strait of an enclosed sea (Bisan Strait, eastern Seto Inland Sea, Japan), J. Sea Res., 103, 75, 2015, Yamaguchi, H., Hirade, N., Higashizono, K., Tada, K., Kishimoto, K., Oyama, K., Ichimi, K.
・Optically active components and light attenuation in an offshore station of Harima Sound, eastern Seto Inland Sea, Japan. Hydrobiologia, 714, 49, 2013, Yamaguchi, H., Katahira, R., Ichimi, K., Tada, K.
・Dynamics of microphytobenthic biomass in a coastal area of western Seto Inland Sea, Japan. Est. Coast. Shelf Sci., 72, 348, 2007, Yamaguchi, H., Montani, S., Tsutsumi, H., Hamada, K., Ueda, N., Tada, K.