領 域 名 植物科学
研究分野 植物分子育種学
教員氏名 杉 田 (小 西) 左 江 子
研究キーワード:イネ,脱粒性,画像解析, 多用途米, 品種改良
1. イネの脱粒性における離層の形成と崩壊の分子機構の解明
2. 画像解析を用いたイネの葉の特徴抽
3. 米粉用イネ品種の選定と応用への模索
Nao Tada, Katsuyuki Nii, Saeko Konishi-Sugita (2015) Mutant breeding of a Japanese traditional black rice cultivar ‘Yayoi Murasaki’to improve seed shattering trait,The Nucleus, 58(3):217-223.
Konishi, S. et al. (2008) Inference of japonica rice domestication process from the distribution of six functional nucleotide polymorphisms of domestication-related genes in various landraces and modern cultivers. Plant & Cell Physiology, 49(9), 1283-1293.
Konishi, S. et al. (2006) An SNP caused loss of seed shattering during rice domestication. Science, 312, 1392-1396.
Research Area: Plant Science
Research Specialization: Molecular Breeding in Plant
Keywords: rice, seed shattering, imaging, breeding
Recent Research
1.Analysis of molecular mechanism about abscission layer formation and degradation in seed shattering in rice
Seed shattering is a trait of seed shedding from panicles (Fig.A). It is an important trait as a breeding strategy by the spread of seeds in nature. On the other hand, when considered as crops, strong seed shattering leads to a reduction in crop yield. Therefore, it is considered to be one of important agricultural traits even today. Our laboratory has isolated seed shatteirng gene qSH1 in rice and it is clear that it is essential for abscission layer formation (Fig.B,C) In addition, a candidate gene downstream of qSH1 was found by performing a site-specific microarray analysis using the laser microdissection method. Furthermore, we are searching for new genes by analyzing mutant strains using gamma ray irradiation.
2. Characteristics extraction of leaves in rice using image analysis
In the early growth of plants, chemical energy obtained by photosynthesis is consumed to maintain life activities of plants by respiration and the like. The surplus is used for the formation and growth of new plants. Newly formed leaves will also photosynthesize and contribute to further individual growth. In this way, initial growth exhibits a complex positive feedback aspect. Therefore, slight differences in the natural environment during initial growth can lead to large differences in individual size. In our laboratory, we used a measurement system (Fig. D, E) for nondestructively monitoring plant growth (growth rate) of plants under natural environment. We are aiming at the production of high CO2-absorbing rice lines with rice as a crop material as an indicator of improvement of plant growth rate.
3. Selection of rice variety for rice flour and challenge to application
In recent years the price of wheat has soared, the use of rice as rice flour, improvement of food self-sufficiency rate, effect of eliminating cultivation abandonment area is beginning to be expected. However, since wheat flour and rice flour have various components such as amylose content and protein content, it is essential to develop and use varieties corresponding to each application. Therefore, selection and characterization of rice varieties suitable for foods using rice flour are being conducted.
Nao Tada, Katsuyuki Nii, Saeko Konishi-Sugita (2015) Mutant breeding of a Japanese traditional black rice cultivar ‘Yayoi Murasaki’to improve seed shattering trait,The Nucleus, 58(3):217-223.
Konishi, S. et al. (2008) Inference of japonica rice domestication process from the distribution of six functional nucleotide polymorphisms of domestication-related genes in various landraces and modern cultivers. Plant & Cell Physiology, 49(9), 1283-1293.
Konishi, S. et al. (2006) An SNP caused loss of seed shattering during rice domestication. Science, 312, 1392-1396.