領 域 名 食料生産学
教員氏名 水田 圭祐
研究分野 栽培学
1. コムギの高品質・多収栽培技術の開発
倒伏は,発生すると作物の収量や品質を低下させてしまう.これまでの研究では,倒伏は茎が伸びる時期 (茎立ち期) に窒素肥料を多く施用し,稈が伸びることによって生じるとされてきた.しかし,茎立ち期までの生育を抑え,植物個体それぞれが光を受けやすいようにした場合,茎立ち期に通常の倍以上の窒素肥料を施用しても稈長が長くならず,倒伏も助長されなかった.本研究室では,倒伏を助長する原因は茎立ち期における植物個体間での光の奪い合い (光競合) であると考え,この仮説を詳細に検証している.
3 .生育診断によるコムギの安定生産技術の開発
・パン用コムギ品種「ミナミノカオリ」における穂肥重点施肥が収量や子実タンパク質含有率におよぼす影響.日本作物学会紀事 86 (4) 319-328.2017.水田圭祐・荒木英樹・中村和弘・松中仁・丹野研一・高橋肇.
・穂肥重点施肥による多収パン用品種「せときらら」の高品質多収化.日本作物学会紀事 88 (2) 98-107.2019.水田圭祐・荒木英樹・高橋肇.
・Shifting timing of intensive nitrogen topdressing later to the stem-elongation phase reduced lower internodes length and lodging risk of wheat. Plant Production Science 23 (4) 427-435. 2020. Keisuke Mizuta, Hideki Araki and Tadashi Takahashi.
・パン用コムギ品種「せときらら」における茎数を指標とした生育診断に基づく可変施肥法の検証.日本作物学会紀事 89 (4) 299-306.2020.水田圭祐・荒木英樹・高橋肇.
Research Area: Food Production
Research Specialization: Crop Science
Name: MIZUTA, Keisuke
Key words: Wheat,Highyield,High quality grain, Lodging, Growth diagnosis
Recent Research
1. Development of wheat cultivation method to achieve high yield and grain quality
In wheat cultivation, it is important to achieve both yield and grain quality at a high level. Wheat for bread and durum wheat, whose production has increased in recent year in western Japan, are required high grain protein content in quality evaluation. However, The grain protein content is negatively correlated with yield. In this laboratory, we are verifying cultivation methods which can achieve high yield and grain quality by improving the fertilizer application method and sowing system.
2. Study on light competition and lodging in wheat
If lodging occurs, it reduces the yield and grain quality of wheat. Previous studies have reported that nitrogen application during stem elongation stage increase the risk of lodging by lengthened stem length. However, when plant growth before stem elongation stage was limited and increasing light interception, the stem length was not lengthened even though nitrogen was applied more than three times during stem elongation stage. In this laboratory, we hypothesize and verify that the direct cause of lodging is not nitrogen application but light competition during stem elongation stage.
3. Development of stable wheat production method by growth diagnosis
To achieve high yield and grain quality while preventing lodging in wheat, it is considered that the variable-rate nitrogen application method based on the growth diagnosis must be effective. However, special equipment such as a spectroradiometer or laser sensor is required for plant growth diagnosis. In this laboratory, we are verifying whether the growth can be diagnosed by image analysis without using special equipments.
・Effect of intensive nitrogen fertilization during stem elongation (INFSE) on grain yield and grain protein content in bread wheat cultivar “Minaminokaori”. Jpn. J. Crop Sci. 86: 319-328. 2017. K. Mizuta, H. Araki, K. Nakamura, H. Matsunaka, K. Tanno and T. Takahashi.
・Enhancement of yield and quality of grains thorough intensive nitrogen fertilization during stem elongation in the high-yield wheat cultivar for bread “Setokirara”. Jpn. J. Crop Sci. 88: 98-107. 2019. K. Mizuta, H. Araki and T. Takahashi.
・Shifting timing of intensive nitrogen topdressing later to the stem-elongation phase reduced lower internodes length and lodging risk of wheat. Plant Production Science 23: 427-435. 2020. Keisuke Mizuta, Hideki Araki and Tadashi Takahashi.
・The verification of variable-rate fertilization in response to the tiller number of a wheat cultivar for bread “Setokirara”. Jpn. J. Crop Sci. 89: 299-306.2020.K. Mizuta, H. Araki and T. Takahashi.