田淵 光昭

領 域 名 生命機能科学

研究分野 応用分子細胞生物学

教員氏名 田淵 光昭



1. 酵母遺伝学による膜ストレス応答・修復機構の解析








  1. 藤原祥子,田淵光昭.* 植物病原菌の“狡猾さ”を酵母で解く:グルタチオンを分解するエフェクターの発見とその機能解析,化学と生物, 54(12),869-870,2016.
  2. Popa C.,Tabuchi M.and Valls M. Modification of bacterial effector proteins inside eukaryotic host cells. Front. Cell.Infect. Microbiol., 6,73,2016.
  3. Fujiwara S,Kawazoe T.,Ohnishi K.,Kitagawa T., Popa C,. Valls M.,Genin S.,Nakamura K.,Kuramitsu Y.,Tanaka N. and Tabuchi M.RipAY, a plant pathogen effector protein, exhibits robust γ-glutamyl cyclotransferase activity when stimulated by eukaryotic thioredoxins. J. Biol. Chem., 291(13),6813-6830,2016.
  4. Tabuchi M., Audhya A., Parsons A.B, Boone C., Emr S.D. The phosphatidylinositol 4,5-biphosphate and TORC2 binding proteins Slm1 and Slm2 function in sphingolipid regulation.Mol. Cell Biol.15,5861-75,2006.

Research Area: Applied Life Science
Research Specialization: Applied Molecular Cell Biology
Name: TABUCHI , Mitsuaki

KEYWORDs: Yeast, eisosome, Stress response, Pathogen effector

1.Plasma Membrane Stress Response in Yeast

 Plasma membrane is constitutively damaged from various physical stresses such as heat stress,osmotic stress, membrane tension, which causes plasma membrane stresses. For example, in humans,myocytes are constantly damaged by exposure to physical membrane stress by repeating expansion and contraction as they move intensely. However, cells have a mechanism to repair such damage. In animal cells, it is known that a structure called “Caveolae” plays an essential role in repairing membrane damage, and caveolae abnormality is known to be a cause of cardiomyopaty.

 Yeast is a unicellular eukaryote and has contributed to the A) Yeast Eisosomes are
visualized with red elucidation fvarious intracellular mechanisms such as autophagy as fluorescent protein·tagged a mod e1 eu ka ryo1:·t c ce1 1 . M ech aru· sms 1+’0 r sens·m g and repa1· n· ng Pmiilclr ousncdoepry .t he fluorescent membrane stress are also present in yeast cells, and “Eisosome” are known as organelles corresponding to caveolae of animal cells. Our laboratory focus on cellular fimction of eisosome and is interested in the downstream signaling pathway that activates the membrane repair during plasma membrane stress.

2.Functional Analysis of Pathogen Effector Proteins in Yeast

 Numerous bacterial pathogens of plants and animals inject virulence proteins, so-called effetors,directory into the host cell cytoplasm hrough specialized secretion apparatuses, such as the type Ⅲ secretion system. The translocated effector proteins manipulate diverse host cellular processes to promote the perturbationof host immune system and ultimately cause infection.
 In our laboratory, we are conducting yeast system to uncover the molecular fimction of effectors from Ralstonia solanacarum, which is the most destructive bacterial pathogen in plant. If the effector inhibits the yeast counterpart of the host effector target and then give us a phenotype, such as growth inhibition of yeast. This effector-induced growth inhibition allows us to understand the molecular function of effectors. Recently, by using the yeast system, we found one of the R. solanacearum effector, RipAY fimctions as a glutathione degradation enzyme to inhibit host immune response (1, 2).


  1. Pop a C., Tabuchi M. and Valls M. Modification of bacterial effector proteins inside eukaryotic host cells. Front. Cell.Inject. JvJi.crobioL, 6, 73, 2016.
  2. Fujiwara S., Kawazoe T., Ohnishi K., Kitagawa T., Pop a C., Valls M., Genin S., Nakamura K., Kuramitsu Y., Tanaka N.and Tabuchi M. Rip A Y, a p !ant pathogen effector protein, exhibits robust y-glutamy I eye lotransferase activity when stimulated by eukaryotic thioredoxins. J. BioL Chern., 291 (13), 6813-6830, 2016.
  3. Tabuchi M., AudhyaA., Parsons A.B., Boone C., Emr S.D. The phosphatidylinositol4,5-biphosphate and TORC2 binding proteins Slm1 and Slm2 function in sphingolipid regulation. Mol. Cell Bioi. 15, 5861-75, 2006 .


