青木 伸輔

領 域 名  食料生産学

教員氏名   青 木 伸 輔

研究分野 農業気象学 










青木ら(2018)日本海東縁部の表層型ガスハイドレート賦存域における海底表層堆積物の土質特性, 堆積 学研究, 76(2), 61-75.

馬込ら(2020)長野県夜間瀬地区リンゴ園における熱収支法による蒸発散量推定, 明治大学農学部研究報告, 69(2), 57-63.

青木ら(2020)日本海東縁と北海道周辺の洋上大気メタン濃度と海底ガスプルームの関係, 石油技術協会誌, 85(6), 111-118.

Snyder et al. (2022) Ocean Dynamics and Methane Plume Activity in Tatar Strait, Far Eastern Federal District, Russia as Revealed by Seawater Chemistry, Hydroacoustics, and Noble Gas Isotopes, Front. Earth Sci., 10, 825679.

Kojima et al. (2023) A four-parameter-based thermos-TDR approach to estimate water and NAPL contents of soil liquid, Geoderma, 429, 116263.

Research Area: Food Production

Research Specialization:  Agricultural Meteorology

Name: AOKI, Shinsuke

Key ward:environment,greenhouse gases, soil, ocean,gas hydrate

Recent Research

1.Evapotranspiration in the agricultural field

   The climate change has led to the need for appropriate use of water resources, and irrigation water for agriculture is no exception. It is necessary to accurately determine the amount of water demanded by crops in the cultivation environment (transpiration) and the amount of evaporation from the soil. We are focusing on the water demand of crops due to change of the environmental conditions based on observation.

2.Water and mass transfer in soil

   Various sensors have been developed to reveal the dynamics of water and substances in the saturated/unsaturated soil. we would like to clarify phenomena and mechanisms including crop ecophysiology in the soil and rhizosphere with sensors.

3.Lifetime of gas (CH4) bubbles from seafloor

 In shallow gas hydrate areas, bubbles seeped from the seafloor may be observed. This is due to the large amount of gas supplied by the deeper sediments. We are studying the effects of gas moving as fluid through the sediments on sediments and the lifetime of the gas released into water column (and/or the atmosphere).


Aoki et al. (2018) Soil properties of subsurface sediments collected from shallow gas hydrate province in the eastern margin of the Japan Sea, J. of the Sed. Soc. Japan, 76(2), 61-75.

Magome et al. (2020) Estimation of Energy-Balance-Based Evapotranspiration in an Apple Orchard, Yomase District of Nagano Prefecture, Bulletin of School of Agriculture, Meiji University, 69(2), 57-63.

Aoki et al. (2020) Relationship between atmospheric CH4 concentration above sea surface and gas plumes from seafloor along the eastern margin of Japan sea and around Hokkaido, J. Japanese Assoc. Petrol. Technol, 85(6), 111-118.

Snyder et al. (2022) Ocean Dynamics and Methane Plume Activity in Tatar Strait, Far Eastern Federal District, Russia as Revealed by Seawater Chemistry, Hydroacoustics, and Noble Gas Isotopes, Front. Earth Sci., 10, 825679.

Kojima et al. (2023) A four-parameter-based thermos-TDR approach to estimate water and NAPL contents of soil liquid, Geoderma, 429, 116263.
