髙村 武二郎

領 域 名  園芸科学

教員氏名   髙村 武二郎

研究分野 園芸資源開発学










Takamura, T. : Cyclamen, Flower Breeding & Genetics: Issues, challenges, and opportunities for the 21st century (N. O. Anderson ed.), 459-478, Springer-Verlag, Dordrecht (2006) .

Takamura, T. et al.: Ploidy levels of degenerated embryos in the crosses between diploid and tetraploid cyclamen, Acta Horticulturae 855 ,261-266 (2010).

Takamura, T. et al.: Effects of CO2 enrichment on in vitro plant regeneration through somatic embryogenesis in cyclamen (Cyclamen persicum Mill.) Technical Bulletin of Faculty of Agriculture, Kagawa University 62, 1-4 (2010).

Takamura, T. et al. : Effect of carbon source on in vitro plant regeneration in anther culture of cyclamen (Cyclamen persicum Mill.). Acta Horticulturae 923: 129-134 (2011) .

高村武二郎:香りと新花色の魅力で消費者を引きつける 育種目標-花色,最新農業技術 花卉Vol. 4, 139-145. 農産漁村文化協会,東京 (2012).

Research Area: Horticultural Science 

Research Specialization: Horticultural breeding

Name: TAKAMURA, Takejiro

Keywords:Flower color,Flower pigment,inter-specific hybridization,

                  polyploidy breeding

Recent Research

1.Genetic control and improvement of flower-color

   expression in cyclamen

Although petal color of cyclamen was red, purple, white, and their neutral tint until the 1980s, the yellow-flowered cultivars and individuals with bluish-violet petals in cyclamen are available now.

We have clarified the main factor causing the bluish-violet petals and inheritance of the yellow-flowered characteristics. We presently study the mechanism of cyclamen petals becoming bluish color, expression of anthocyanin and flavonoid synthesis-related gene in cyclamen, and so on.

2.Interspecific hybridization and polyploidy breeding

  in the genus Cyclamen

The genus Cyclamen contains more than 20 species. Almost all the species, except C. persicum, have not contributed to the breeding of horticultural cyclamen cultivars, whereas some Cyclamen species have useful characteristics. In our laboratory, interspecific hybridization by using such Cyclamen species is studied. Polyploidy breeding by using such species and interspecific hybrids is also researched.

3.Analyses of mechanisms of pigmentation and 

  flower-color expression in some ornamental plants

Mechanisms of flower-color expression and pigmentation in some ornamental plants (e.g., Persian buttercup and glory lily) are studied. Effects of environmental factors on the flower-color expression and pigmentation in some ornamental plants are also researched.


Takamura, T. : Cyclamen, Flower Breeding & Genetics: Issues, challenges, and opportunities for the 21st century (N. O. Anderson ed.), 459-478, Springer-Verlag, Dordrecht (2006) .

Takamura, T. et al.: Ploidy levels of degenerated embryos in the crosses between diploid and tetraploid cyclamen, Acta Horticulturae 855 ,261-266 (2010).

Takamura, T. et al.: Effects of CO2 enrichment on in vitro plant regeneration through somatic embryogenesis in cyclamen (Cyclamen persicum Mill.) Technical Bulletin of Faculty of Agriculture, Kagawa University 62, 1-4 (2010).

Takamura, T. et al. : Effect of carbon source on in vitro plant regeneration in anther culture of cyclamen (Cyclamen persicum Mill.). Acta Horticulturae 923: 129-134 (2011) .



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