2021 Pre-Trilateral Symposium on SDGs

The Pre-Trilateral Symposium on Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs) is being held to support the continuation of the collaborative relationship between the three universities. This Pre-symposium is the lead up to the Trilateral Symposium on Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs) 2022 to be hosted by Kagawa Univeristy.

These symposia aim to strengthen the partnership between Chiang Mai University, National Chiayi University, and Kagawa University, and to encourage international educational and research activities exchange among the three universities.


Pre-Trilateral Symposium on SDGs


Main session Sept 1 (Wed) 2021 Details
Sustainability & Food Session Aug 31 (Tue) 2021 Details
Sustainability & Technology Session Sept 1 (Wed) 2021 Details
Sustainability & Society Session Sept 2 (Thu) 2021 Details
Sustainability & Health Session Sept 6 (Mon) 2021 Details
Student Session Sept 1 (Wed) 2021Sept 8 (Wed) 2021Sept 22 (Wed) 2021 Details


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