Admission policy of the Faculty of Agriculture
Prospective students are expected to have the following academic abilities, capabilities, and competencies:
- ①Solid acquisition of knowledge and skills
* Knowledge and skills necessary for learning special subjects regarding the production and utilization of biological resources
- ②Critical thinking, judgement, and self‐expression
* Flexible thinking skills for problem solving and the ability to express and accurately convey one’s own thoughts based on logical thinking and judgment
- ③Independence, diversity, and cooperativeness
*Communication skills to actively and autonomously explore diverse and wide-ranging issues related to the production and utilization of biological resources in local and international societies, and to solve problems by collaborating with others
- ④Interest, motivation, and attitude
* Having a strong interest in the production and effective utilization of biological resources and its foundation – life phenomenon – and a high motivation to actively and independently handle various related issues
* Attitudes aimed at acquiring expert knowledge and skills in various fields of applied biological science and the will to be active in biological related industry
- ⑤Ethical and social responsibility
* Ability to understand high ethical perspective and social responsibility aiming to realize a safe and comfortable society in keeping with nature while promoting the production and utilization of biological resources
Before admission to Kagawa University, students in high school are expected to study basic academic skills mainly in science, mathematics, Japanese, English at high school in order to perform well as university. In order to understand advanced and comprehensive applied biology and to learn special issues related to the production and utilization of biological resources, basic knowledge of science and mathematics is required. The goal of the Faculty of Agriculture is to cultivate presentation and communication skills that understand the production and utilization of biological resources and can give an explanation this by their own logical thinking and judgment. In order to be able to achieve these in Japanese as well as English, the basic academic abilities of Japanese and English are required.
Aim of each selection method
For general admission test, Phase 1 dates:
In order to evaluate the degree of achievement of learning in subjects of high school, the candidates’ score of National Center Test for university admissions will be reviewed. In addition to this, an individual achievement test will be reviewed in which emphasis is placed on natural science as the subject of study at the Faculty of Agriculture. For the individual achievement test, candidates are to select one subject from mathematics or science.
For special admission:
Admissions office entrance exam:
In the first selection, the application documents will be reviewed based on the candidates’ independence, diversity, cooperation, interests, passion, attitudes, ability to understand ethics, and social responsibility. In the second selection, candidates who pass the first selection must complete a lecture comprehension test (writing test after a lecture) and an interview exam. In the lecture comprehension test, candidates will be evaluated of their knowledge and skills, thought and judgment ability, and expression. In the interview exam, candidates will be evaluated their knowledge and skills; thought and judgment ability; expression; subjectivity, diversity, and cooperativity; interest and passion; and ability to understand ethics and social responsibility. Candidates are comprehensively judged by these evaluations and contents in their application documents, after which final successful applicants will be decided.
Recommendation-based entrance exam -Ⅱ:
The candidates’ score in mathematics, English and science of the National Center Test for university admissions will be reviewed. Additionally, the application documents including a personal statement and student credentials will also be comprehensively reviewed based on their independence, diversity, and cooperativeness as well as interests and passion. Specifically, remarkable achievements in cultural activities, sports activities, student council activities, club activities, overseas study abroad experience, volunteer activities etc. and project studies, qualifications, and certifications will be evaluated.
For private expense foreign student entrance exam:
The candidates’ score on the Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students (EJU) and TOEFL will be reviewed. Candidates must complete an interview to evaluate their Japanese communication skills and their interest and passion for studying subjects on the production and utilization of biological resources at the Faculty of Agriculture.
For transfer students:
The main target are those who have graduated from higher professional school or junior colleges of agriculture, science and engineering, life science. Studies for transfer students begin in their third year. Candidates must complete a writing test to evaluate their scientific basic knowledge and logical thinking skills. Candidates must also complete an interview in order to evaluate their thought and judgment abilities, and expression; independence, diversity, and cooperativeness, the ability to understand ethics and sociality responsibility, and interest, motivation, and attitudes for natural science.
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