Takamatsu City is located in Kagawa Prefecture, Shikoku. (Link) After arriving at one of the international airports, you will need to travel to Takamatsu. Japan Railway (JR), highway bus and domestic flight services are available. The Faculty of Agriculture Campus is in Miki, Kagawa.

From Narita International Airport (Tokyo)

By Train

  1. Narita International Airport to Tokyo (1h) Take the Narita SKY ACCESS Line, Keisei Railway or JR Line. (Link)
  2. Tokyo to Okayama (3h30min) Take the Shinkansen (Schedule)
  3. Okayama to Takamatsu (1h) Take the Seto-Ohashi Line: Marineliner (Schedule: in Japanese only)

By Air

  1. Narita International Airport to Haneda International Airport (1h20min) Take the bus (Link)
  2. Haneda International Airport (Tokyo) to Takamatsu Airport (1h30min) Take a domestic flight (Link)
  3. Takamatsu Airport to Takamatsu Station (40min) Take the Airport Bus (Link)

From Haneda International Airport (Tokyo)

By Train

  1. Haneda International Airport to Shinagawa (20min) Take the Keikyo line (Link)
  2. Shinagawa to Okayama (3h20min) Take the Shinkansen (Time table)
  3. Okayama to Takamatsu (1h) Take the Seto-Ohashi Line: Marineliner (Schedule: in Japanese only)

By Air

  1. Haneda International Airport to Takamatsu Airport (1h30min) Take a domestic flight (Link)
  2. Takamatsu Airport to Takamatsu Station (40min) Take the bus (Link)

From Kansai International Airport (Osaka)

By Train

  1. Kansai International Airport (Osaka) to Shin-osaka (1h) Take the JR line (Link)
  2. Shin-osaka to Okayama (50min) Take the Shinkansen (Schedule)
  3. Okayama to Takamatsu (1h) Take the Seto-Ohashi Line: Marineliner (Schedule: in Japanese only)

By Bus

  1. TEMPORAILY CANCELLED Kansai International Airport (Osaka) to Takamatsu (3h30min) Take the highway bus(Schedule)

From Takamatsu Station to The Faculty of Agriculture

By Kotoden Train

  1. Walk directly out of Takamatsu Station and veer slightly to the right. You will see Kotoden Train Staion (Chikko) across the street.
  2. Take the Nagao line (the trains are green) and get off at Nogakbumae (this literally means “station in front of the Faculty of Agriculture”).
  3. Exit to the right
  4. The Faculty of Agriculture is about 200 m up the road.

Google Streetview

Campus Layout


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