Short Visit Programs


The Short Visit Programs are international education programs for registered students of the Faculty of Agriculture. These programs offer our students (Japanese students & international students) opportunities to take part in a focussed internship at our partner universities. Currently, we offer three Short Visit Programs:

  • Research Exchange Program: Hangzhou, China

  • International Applied Science & Technology Internship: Bangkok, Thailand 

  • International Education Internship: Undergraduate students (1st & 2nd year)

Research Exchange Program: Hangzhou, China


Research Exchange Program: Graduate studentspage7image5216

Location: Hangzhou, China
Duration: 9 days
Focus: Research exchange and developing professional networks
Students:  Master’s 1st year
In Cooperation with: Zhejiang Gongshang University



International Applied Science & Technology Internship: Bangkok, Thailand


IMG_4652The Bioresource Production Scienc International Applied Science & Technology Internship: Undergraduate students

Location: Chiang Mai, Thailand

Duration: 12 days
Focus: applied science & technology in the food industry & international exchange
Students: 3rd year undergraduates
In Cooperation with: Kasetsart University



International Education Internship: Chiang Mai, Thailand


International Education Internship: Undergraduate students (1st & 2nd year)IMG_6569
Location: Chiang Mai, Thailand
Duration: 8 days
Focus: Applied technolgy industry, language learning, Thai culture & international exchange 
Students: 1st & 2nd  year undergraduates
In Cooperation with: Chiang Mai University



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