Assumption University Interns Final Presentation

Two interns from the Theophane Venard School of Biotechnology of Assumption University of Thailand presented their research at the Faculty of Agriculture on Wednesday, May 24, 2023. The interns students were placed in the Plant Nutrition Laboratory, supervised by Prof. Dr. Nomura and Ford Protein Chemistry Laboratory, supervised by Prof. Dr. Ogawa, for their two-month research experience from March 31 to May 25, 2023.

During their research presentation, they presented the results they obtained during the two months. The presentation was attended by about 25 people, including Japanese students in the laboratories, Japanese students interested in studying abroad, and faculty members. In addition, Assumption University’s faculty advisor, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Atittaya Tandhanskul, and a Japanese student who visited Assumption University in February of this year also participated online.

During their stay, the two Thai interns learned research presentation techniques by participating in classes taught by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Peter Lutes. They participated in English languages classes, and experienced cultural exchange with Japanese students in their respective laboratories. Although their stay was short, they learned how to conduct research, how to present their research, and Japanese culture before returning. The Faculty Agriculture would like to recognized the efforts of our faculty members, administrative staff and laboratory students for making the visit a success.

Assumption University is a private university based in Bangkok, Thailand. All lectures and educational activities are conducted in English. Since 2017, eight (8) first and second year students of the Faculty of Agriculture visit the Theophane Venard School of Biotechnology of Assumption University of Thailand for study abroad program for 10 days with all activities conducted in English.


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