India Day was celebrated at Kagawa University with a special introduction to Diwali, hosted by the International Office. A delegation representing Indian universities was welcomed by Prof. Kenji Wada, Vice-President for International Affairs.
Diwali, also known as Divali, is a major festival in Hinduism, Jainism, and Sikhism. Its name comes from the Sanskrit word dipavali, meaning “row of lights,” symbolizing the triumph of light over darkness.
The event included a virtual tour of India, showcasing the country’s vibrant customs, diverse cuisines, and famous festivals.
Representing the Faculty of Agriculture and Graduate School of Agriculture were Prof. Mika Nomura, Chair of the Global Café and a member of the University Council, and Prof. Peter Lutes, Chair of the International Exchange Committee.
The Faculty of Agriculture and Graduate School of Agriculture looks forward to future collaboration with Indian universities and research institutes.

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